Action Time Vision


Orlando Weather

Went for a run in Mrs. ATV's car today since it hasn't been driven for two weeks.

Through to Edinburgh and back via South Queensferry etc. There was a small cruise liner off Leith which was unusual looking.

Watching Rush Hour 2 on dvd just now until something decent comes on the telly.

That was the first movie I watched in America when it came out which was a totally different experience to the moive experience here.

The largely African-American audience shouted, roared and hooted all the way through it especially at Tucker's one line references to black America as opposed to people here getting upset if you chew your toffees too much or dare to take in wrapped confectionary.

It was really good fun to be in the audience.

The biggest laugh however was for Jackie Chan's "Bitch-slap you back to Africa" line to Chris Tucker. The place totally errupted.

Do you undertand the words that are coming out of my mouth.

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