The rain on its way.

Another busy day. Well it was for my Humans but I decided to take it easy. My Humans put me in the pick up so that I could go with them when they went food shopping but I decided I didn't want to go. I got out and went back in the house. It was much warmer in the house. I did go with them to pick up a trailer later on. As the day went on the weather got worse. The back up arrived and managed to get us all walked before the rain came on. My humans are going to have an early night as they are off to Aberdeen for a sheep sale early tomorrow I think I will stay at home and get the back up to come and look after me.

The blip is of the rain coming past Traprain Law and heading for us. It arrived a few hours ago and is still here. Have a good weekend. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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