Day One .......

.......... of eight!

Purposely not saying where - for those of you "in the know" please don't give the game away just yet!!!

Here we are - brilliant hot sunshine - 30C (89F) .... lovely hotel and friendly people. We left UK in the dark and in the rain!!!!

This Church is about 3kms (just under 2 miles) away and I took this from the bottom of the hill (a very steep hill) before I walked right to the top and back down again - mad Englishwoman!!!

Higher Hill ....

There is (free) wi-fi all through the hotel (yay!!) so I will be able to blip daily ...... sunshine and cold beer permitting!!!

Blip Postcard 1/8

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/500" : 100mm : ISO 160

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