Now we have everything

By Gembop

Happy birthday Gangang

Charlie was up and full of beans at 6am today. Rob very thankfully took him down and only came back up for me at 8am. We then all slept for an hour - bliss! It's amazing how much I value sleep now over food, drink etc!

Today is my Dad's birthday aka Charlie's Gangang! He's 56 today. We gave him his card and he got down on the floor to play with the little man.

We then headed over to the river side for a family lunch with Lee, Liz, Laura and all the kids. Dad loved his surprise cake though it was a little late coming out. I used a picture opportunity with Charlie as a way of distracting him and good timing: the lady in the back of today's blip shot is holding it behind a menu, right on cue.

We took a post-dinner walk along the canal, which the kids loved. Ollie was pointing out every 'boat' and 'quack' (duck). There were a lot of both :) We walked back yo the retail park and Dad bought us a baby gate - buying us something on his day! He's been wanting to get us something useful. It's one of those travel gates that we cam move from room to room which is perfect for now. Rob bought Charlie some winter outfits too. I love autumn/winter clothes. We also remembered to pick up a birthday pressie for George: a bubble machine for bathtime. I want one!

After a coffee stop we headed back to mum and dads where Charlie conked out! Dad and I trialled the baby gate. It's a bit of a Rubix cube but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Robin was too distracted by telly so will be clueless!

Charlie finally woke up and was ravenous! He had a pouch of food plus a lot of finger bits. We didnt leave until 7pm in the end. Whoops! Charlie crashed out again in car. Hope he sleeps okay tonight.


It's our first Blip birthday! Wow! From Bump to Baby, I'm chuffed to have managed a year of blipping :)

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