Perfect Storm

Evening on Belhaven Sands. The weather forecast was exactly correct with the clouds clearing to the east at sunset. Right after a final downpour, the sun peeked through a gap between the clouds and lit up the waves. One of those moments. All in all a classic "this is why I do it" Blip for me today.

Full size on Filckr.

And wellies are good. And the presence of mind to catch the scene in crop-to-thirds-able glory, manual exposure and 0.7EV bracketing just to be sure. The other 200 went in the bin ;)

On my way onto the beach I met a really old fellow making his way off the beach, having lost his way. I set him right and as we walked together over the sand to Belhaven Bridge he explained that he used to live in the area and was visiting, but things have changed so he was lost. He now lives near Durness in the far north west of Scotland, 250 miles north of here and a place I've been to once so we had a bit of a chat about that. As for Belhaven, how much a beach can change in 20 years I'm not sure but I certainly hope I'm able to walk as far as he did today at his age. "Thank you for your trouble," he said as we parted. What a lovely encounter.

This morning I went for a run for the first time for several years - and enjoyed it! I used to run but always ended up with sore knees, so now I'm trying a "bounce on your toes" style I've seen people use to avoid impact. I found it's all in the head - if you think about gliding along then it becomes quite natural. Knackered old shoes, but the technique should see me OK. Fingers and toes crossed!

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