Fleeing the scene

A much more pleasant day, after having begun similarly to yesterday with clouds and wind. The clouds went and the sun shone for most of the day. Chilly outside, but nice and warm where I have been sitting with the sun coming through the glass doors onto the deck. Almost made reading agenda papers tolerable.

Shortly before midday, I chose to head down to the rocks around the point and at the bottom of the cliff. The tide was almost right for bird spotting. Unfortunately for me, it was also perfect for a pre lunch family walk with the dog. Lots of exuberance and laughter, and birds doing as this kawaupaka (Little Shag) is doing. His mate followed shortly afterwards.

A pair of Caspian Terns (Taranui) did hang around for a while. When they also left, I managed a perfectly focussed shot of the wing of one of them. The rest of the bird was out of frame for reasons that escape me. A slightly later shot, of the two of them, is too soft. A couple of Variable Oystercatchers (Torea) in the black phase allowed me to get reasonably close before they also went as the dog barked noisily.

Apart from the ever present gulls and herons, and a solitary Welcome Swallow (seen but not photographed), that was my lot.

It was then back to have lunch and resume reading. Realised today, that I was wrong when I said yesterday I was halfway through.

This does reward being seen large

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