
By justbrian

Looking east..

isn't it funny what a difference a couple of days make, this is the same beach as the other day, the one with the bleak sea scape.

I woke ridiculously early today, 530 am. There's been a bit on my mind recently not least the fact that we found out that there is to be a train strike in France on the day we travel to Poitiers. We were left with a dilema, should me and A travel to Paris with the risk of getting stuck there for a couple of days or drive to Stanstead and fly to Poitiers, we decided on option 2. We have managed to get some of our money back which will offset the coast of the drive down, parking and flying. At least we'll still have a week with my friend.

Surprisingly I don't feel too bad after yesterdays run but I did sink seven pints and one and a half 12 inch pizza, as well as a huge pork sandwich afterwards.

Today is going to be busy, we have to pack now for an early start tomorrow, I have a few jobs to do around the house prior to going as well. I might even try and sneak a cheeky little bike ride in.

The concrete platform you see in front of me is actually encasing a large pipe I think that it might be a storm drain.

The lighthouse is on the north pier at Blyth. The rest of the photos are here

Have a nice day everyone.

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