Tales of the Guig

By Guigphotography


Our challenge theme this week was "Inspire" and while I only occasionally take the theme literally, I couldn't pass up the chance to do something I'd had in mind for a while.
I want to make a composition featuring some imagery by people that I didn't know about when I took up photography, but have certainly inspired me to keep doing it.
If I were more skilled in art, this might have been a fun challenge for photographers (or at least those that study the history) to identify the pieces involved, but some parts may be obscure. So...
Street People - W.Eugene Smith
Bridges (Behind the people) - William Henry Fox Talbot
Steeples - Eugene Atget
Face in the sky - (image of Dennis Stock) Andreas Feininger
Fetus - Lennart Nilsson
And the life magazine logo speaks for itself.
I could have had hundreds more but think this will do for a first homage.

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