
By benek

North Shore

Went for a great Sunday drive up to the North Shore. It's a part of Auckland I've seen little of. We stopped at Mairangi Bay for lunch at a little Mexican restaurant, then explored the beach. We walked along the cliff, past the kids having a blast learning how to operate life-saving boats, and over to the pier at Murrays Bay.

Then back to Mairangi for a backgammon tourny on the blanket.

We played to 15 points. It was close coming up to the end when I pulled away with four straight wins making it 12 to 8. So I needed 3 points to win, win by two. The next game we had matching first rolls three consecutive times bumping that games worth up to 8 right from the get go. I ended up dominating that game and beat Jenny before she could bear off any pieces so I got double points for that, a total of 16 for that game! If that had been the first game of the tourny it would have been over in one game!

It was a very windy day. When the sun was out it was warm, but when it wasn't the wind was piercing. I think I took my jacket on and off about 15 times during the day. Out on the pier it was especially bad. You can see some of it in the picture.

Later we left Mairangi and headed up north a bit to Browns bay were we got a caramel slice, walked along the beach, and finished it off with ice cream.

It was a very nice day indeed.

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