In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Enjoying the last days of summer, we spent the day outside.
After breakfast at Formartines, eggs benedict for June and pancakes with maple syrup ann crispy bacon for me, we went for a walk on the forest, where with my good sense of direction and June's Scout training, we ended up getting lost. But despite the mud etc, we had a great time.
Obviously we found our way back to the track again. This old Elm tree was photographed just before we took a wrong turning.
Anyway, after a quick trip back home to change, we made our way over to a place called Chapel of Garioch, ( pronounced geeree) to find the church where my great grandfather Alexander Young was the minister at the end of the 19th\beginning of the 20th century. Found out the church has a web site, how very 21st century, so I will be having a look later on, and contacting them to see if they can help finding out more about the time he was a missionary in Sri Lanka, or Ceylon as it was known back then.
After a quick trip into see June's brother and to my mum to pick up my birthday card and present ( the tequila goes down a treat, thanks mum,) we headed home , where I cooked an nice Thai green curry, and then we are now about to watch Star Trek Into Darkness.

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