Out and About

By LeslieBigos

Friday Night Lights

Oh well, it was actually Saturday night lights.

My kids participated in the high school band program for 11 years. For 11 years I went to high school football games to support my kids, their school and all the kids who were participating. A few months ago, my youngest son graduated from high school and I was secretly rejoicing that I would never have to attend a high school football game again.

I am glad I did not engrave my thoughts into stone because I found myself alone on Saturday night with an invite to go the first game of the high school football season with friends. I heard myself saying "yes" before I had really even given it any thought.

The high school team was invited to play in the brand spankin' remodeled University of Washington football stadium which was a nice treat. All and all, it was a fun evening spent with friends but probably the last high school football game that I will attend. But, I won't place a bet on it.

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