Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Making the right decision.

I decided to withdraw from a job interview I should be attending tomorrow. I was trying to weigh up the amount of travelling (about 80 miles round trip) the amount of working hours available and the salary.

The guilt of not working made me desperate and I've been applying to every job with an hour and a half drive home.

However realistically, I would be struggling to justify the travelling costs for such a low wage.

The other challenge is that I am Claire's primary caregiver and it's important for her that I am there to help her get ready for school and that I can deal with any issues and anxieties she has that would prevent her from going to school. It's not a job that I can hand over to a childminder as she is 14 and would be appalled at this option.

Weighing it all up, I think I've made the right decision.
I emailed to explain my decision and received a lovely response. I was a very strong candidate for the job, but they understood why I was withdrawing and wished me well.

Oh well...

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