Jax and co.

By indusriver

raspberry paint

No, my son is not wounded (for a change) rather 'decorated' with raspberry juice after an extended session in the garden with the neighbour's kid! A good hour or so of trampolining, grass hill rolling and face painting it seems - love it!

Love him too as today he came home with ALL of his PE kit - this is a very rare event in our lives so reason to celebrate - only about 80 more sessions to get through ahead of us in the school year. Nearly cancels out the wallet and £10.00 he lost on Thursday - I said nearly!

Other than that...back into the full swing of work and all its joys and back into after school swimming. Sienna has moved up two levels and we were both a little concerned that she would find it hard but the summer holiday swimming has paid off and she was fine. Although true to form, in her words, she was "rubbish!" That's my Miss Positive!

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