Time Machine

A flying machine from about 1931 - a lino cut of my Dad's, done at school. I'd never seen it before and neither had the sis. That's the thing about this stuff - his own parents, as we all do, had kept a pile of his school stuff. And when his old dear shuffled off, he'd popped her collection of his works, so dear to her, into his own attic, where it has sat for the past 45 years.
As the sis said, they mean nothing to her and they may as well go out. But I was taken by the little plane. So I have it. And the lino block. In due course, my own poor children can make the decision as to their future. As well as my stuff of course. And the piles of their stuff that we've saved. Oh glory be, how desperately we hold on.

[Lordy, that's a bit downbeat! Time for a ... cup of tea]

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