Porty People and Places

Going, going, .....

This is all that remains of the old Fun Park on Portobello Promenade. This time last year the building was being advertised for let. This week it is being demolished. It is immedately adjacent to the construction site being built on the Georgian harbour. If you look carefully you can see one of the preserved bottle kilns now visible through the demolished far wall of the Fun Park building.

The devastation of the demoliton is always sad. The devastation caused by events on this day in 2001 - Nine Eleven - is beyond sadness and will haunt us for ever. Not least because nothing good ever comes out of violence and inhumanity. Everything good comes out of tolerance, reason and trying to understand each other through talking and recognising that we are all connected within the fragic web that is humanity. That web needs us all to strive to strengthen it - never ever deliberately break it.

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