The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Let There Be Light!

I took part in an event today which allowed me to network a little, meet new people, put faces to names and names to faces.

The actual content of the day has given me some food for thought, however, it was a conversation with a friend and colleague that initiated some deeper pondering.

She mentioned that a blog I'd put up a few weeks ago had resonated with her.

Since then she's been 'putting into practice' some things as a result in order to support a particular situation she's journeying through.

I was extremely humbled.

At the same time, I was presented with a stark reminder that I have a responsibility to uphold as I put my words out into cyberspace!

Words have real power and influence.

How we use language in a written or spoken context can have incredible impact.

The way we say things or the tone we use can ultimately change how the words are received.

In actual fact, we're all responsible individually for the words we speak or write - and for the way in which we choose to speak or write them!

"A bit in the mouth of a horse controls the whole horse. A small rudder on a huge ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the strongest winds. A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it!"
(James 3:3-5)

What dialogue have you had with others today?

Did your words build up or tear down?

How do you choose your words?

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another"
Napoleon Hill

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