a town called E.

By Eej


It was so hot that just sitting motionless made me break out in a sweat. Horrid weather. Was happy to see two girl squirrels. The boys have been hanging around but I've not seen many girls. This one was making herself pretty; washing her face and combing her tail.

This morning I saw a hummingbird - I still have not been able to take a single shot of one this summer and time is running out.

I was waiting for the storm to arrive to take photos of that but I can see it blowing past us. I don't want to water the garden because it's still sweltering and I'm hoping we'll get rain later.
I must be feeling better because I cleaned half the basement, did laundry, and made soup and ice cream all before the Beloved came home from work. Crazy.
Then I had to sit down with a spiked fever :)
Still, progress.

9/11. It will never be a 'normal' day.

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