The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

The dog's Bolex

After going through my dad's old movies (and being a compulsive sort) I bought a couple of double 8 wind-up movie cameras with the notion of doing a bit of old fashioned movie making. The cameras are a Kodak Brownie and a Bolex P3 which is built like a Swiss watch (well, it is Swiss so you wouldn't expect it to be like anything else) - beautiful. You can get them from next-to-nothing on ebay but that's because the filming costs at least £5 a minute these days.
It sounds like a daft idea but I just love the "quality" of film movies and the fact that these are completey mechanical objects. Throw in a bit of nostalgia and the longevity of the film so my kids can watch it when they are 50 and I was bound to do it.

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