Now we have everything

By Gembop

Through the fish eye

As predicted, I couldn't wait to start playing with my new 'lens' /piece of tat. This is a bit of a quick snap taken at the end of this week's Tiny Tunes. It was a little busier this week which was better. The twins Leo and Rosie were there, so was Eli, and Oscar, plus Ben, Candy's son. All the babies are pretty much on the move now so it's a little more chaotic than it used to be but it's fab that they're all growing together. There aren't any younger babies in there so it's fair game for eye poking/hair pulling/generally just crawling all over each other!

After a quick dash to Tesco, we got home just in time for Katrina and Stanley arriving. I sorted out dinner for the boys, including some quickly whipped-up fritatas. Charlie loves them and they're such a quick and easy way of giving him veg, and protein.

Just as dinner was over Robin walked in. It was a lovely surprise early finish, though Stanley didn't agree. He started crying his eyes out! Then Charlie joined in! Poor Robin. He had both babies, including his own, crying very loudly at him! Charlie had not long woken up from a nap so was still tired/dozy and I think it was actually Stanley that had set him off, but still! Robin did come in quietly, was dressed all in black/dark colours and must've looked very tall to Stanley who was in the bumbo on the floor so I'm not surprised he was a bit shocked!

They settled quickly and once Stanley and Katrina left Robin gave Charlie the rest of his dinner and dessert. Thankfully he got his usual smiles then and during bathtime, Charlie was definitely shattered though as he went straight to sleep.

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