Life's tangled skein

By atp

Murrayfield Ice Rink

Day 255. It may only be us geeks to whom it's a significant number, but it still strikes a bit of a chord with me.

Anyway, this photo is of the frontage of Murrayfield Ice Rink. It's looking as if this is going to be a fairly frequent haunt for me on Thursday evenings, so I thought I should learn a bit about the place.

Built in 1938/39, the rink didn't get to open as planned because of WW2. It eventually opened as an ice rink in August 1952. It now claims to be the "largest permanently seated indoor arena in Scotland" - but while the 1930s decor is impressive, it is really frustrating that there is nowehere warm to sit and wait while your daughter does two hours of ice skating!

Instead, I went for a 4.5 mile run. After which, sweating like a pig, I went and sat at the bleachers around the rink, watching my breath condense as the sweat froze onto my skin.

Think I'm going to have to work this out better next time!

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