
There are three guys outside digging holes with picks so that we can plant some plants. It shouldn't come as much surprise, then, that our "field of dreams" may not pass a percolation test for a septic system because of too much rock. The "septic man" came today and talked to John for a long time this afternoon. I haven't had a chance to find out what he said yet, but it didn't sound rewarding.

Something is causing small holes to appear in some of my t-shirts. I have narrowed down the possible causes to two:
1) The washing machine spins too fast
2) There are moths in the closet.
I have turned down the speed of the spin cycle on the washer to the point where it no longer sounds like it is trying to blast off. I have also taken all the t-shirts out of the closet, washed down the shelves with antibacterial cleaner and spent too much time mending the ones with holes, folding them and placing them back on the shelves according to sleeve length and color. It wasn't particularly rewarding.

Will is here now to go over chemistry with OilMan and have dinner with us before his "open gym" basketball practice at seven--works out well since Peter has soccer practice at 5:30 and doesn't get home by seven. For some reason Dana didn't seem to want to make dinner three different times...not rewarding.

I took Will's picture as he was talking to OilMan about molecular weights and reactions. He seemed to have a good grasp of the situation. THAT was rewarding....

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