
By SomethingAwful

Skip a Light Completely.

I'm at a risk of over-sharing no matter what I write now, and were I to share it wouldn't make much sense, anyway - not even to me - so it'd be both far too intimate, for you, and not useful enough to justify it, for me. So I'll be sticking to the very mundane.

No Adam today. He left for the airport this morning, and was at John's last night. As it turns out he still hasn't left Boston, but that's his story to tell! Went to Prudential for some shopping essentials, and took a walk around behind it, and stumbled upon this (it's a church) entirely by accident. Two beautiful water features, this plus a couple of other interesting buildings, and some curious scenery! I didn't know any of that bit existed, and it's so big! Not that I have any idea, but I imagined I was in St Petersburg for a minute when the church emerged into view.

I finished The Great Gatsby while I had lunch, and couldn't cry at the last page because I was in public (couldn't cry,* on both interpretations of the claim), but it gave me goosebumps!

A lot of hanging around afterwards, as there was a free outdoor screening of the latest Great Gatsby movie, by coincidence.

At one point a strange man (strange on both interpretations of the claim) came up to me and asked if I was Moroccan, which was freaky! Then he started to talk about Life and God and Opportunity and how he'd like to marry an English girl, which was weird in a different way. Although I'm sad (ish) to admit that if he'd looked like this I know I'd have been happier to put up with the odd direction of the conversation.

I didn't end up staying for the whole film - I was quite tired by about an hour through it, and, having just finished the book, quite unimpressed. Much too colourful. Maybe better taken as a stand-alone piece of work, but I didn't think it was as real as the book.... and I didn't like the interpretation of Carraway's narration at the beginning! Very (too) beautiful though, and I think if I'd given it some time I'd have appreciated it more.

I realised a thing or two about myself that I don't much like. There. Enough.*

Edit: Good thing I left the movie early because the heavens burst tonight. I can't hear the rain, though, my headphones are in and playing Lou Reed.

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