Happy Unbirthday

When you are still young,
You can have hair as purple,
As your vibrant soul.

I love that rich hue,
But being not quite so young,
Wear it in my clothes.

It is Tasha's birthday on Saturday, but as she is working then and so is her brother Greg we decided to have a celebratory meal today. We went to the Oxo Tower Brasserie on the South Bank. It was rather expensive, but the food was mouth-wateringly good.

I had mentioned it was a birthday celebration when booking, so after our meal they presented Tash with a stylish dollop of popcorn ice-cream with a candle and "Happy Birthday" written in chocolate - delightful!

Also, the waiter took a photo of us all, printed it and put it into a card which he gave to Tash.

Afterwards Mark and Greg headed home (as Mark had a concert in the evening) and Tash and I wandered along the South bank, over the river and along the Strand, then go the tube to the cocktail bar where she is working at the moment while she sorts herself out ... she made me a very nice Elderflower Margherita and after a while I got the train home ..... strangely I slept all the way....

A lovely day with my lovely family.

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(I'm not sure if a double haiku is still a haiku ....?)

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