
By Izzysparkle


It's been a sad few hours as I have decided to part company with my beloved. We spent a couple of hours early evening going through old letters!
It got a little emotional but then we reflected on all the good times we've had the length and breadth of the country, it had been fun but all things come to an end.
We went to Dartford for months, we went to Gateshead for what seemed like an eternity, then we were lonely in Cannock, morose in Accrington and even rocking at Donnington when we went to Download.
Yes you've guessed it I've decided to sell my van, I intend to leave the white van man tag behind and join the mortals.
A sad day indeed. :.(
On the plus side I've managed to get a reflection of my house and the whole green opposite in the reflection of my baby.
Ps. Going through the letters was actually Karen and I removing the company lettering from the van that I'd never got round to doing.

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