
By scribbler

Rosy Friday

Rosy rose in the Rose City.

This did not start out to be a rosy Friday.
It almost was a Friday the thirteenth that lived up to its name.

I spent three hours on the phone with the cable company, the tech support where I bought my wifi router, and the router company's tech support somewhere in India. The problem appeared just as I was getting to write this blip and took most of the afternoon to resolve. I think it was a damaged Ethernet cord (it got squashed under a table leg), but rebooting and resetting all the router and cable modem and computer connections in the proper order, waiting the necessary amount of time in between, was a nightmare.

Still, it could have been worse. It didn't cost me anything, and I had a couple of spare Ethernet cables handy, and the outage is fixed, and this happened on a business day and not over the weekend. When I finally got connected again I did some yoga breathing and relaxation to restore my equilibrium. All rosy again!

And some very good things happened as well. My patron saint of parking and many other things has been working overtime for me.

I ordered a new Wahl hair-clipper because I knew it would be almost as expensive to get my old clippers sharpened. The box from Amazon arrived weeks ago, and I hadn’t even opened it. Why was I in such a hurry to order a replacement? Today I was giving myself a quick haircut with my old clippers when the motor sputtered and stopped! Dead in the water. But there in the unopened box was a brand-new clipper, ready to finish the job. Evidence of St. Martin de Porres at work. Thank you, St. Martin!

In the same Amazon box was a copy of Lilias Folan’s book on yoga for the older yogi. I bought this mainly because the small extra expense allowed me to get the clippers and book shipped free of charge, essentially a wash. In this book is a chapter on each of the koshas, including manomaya kosha which is the one Jennifer and I have been working on in B.K.S. Iyengar's book. Thank you again, St. Martin!

All's well that ends well. Hence, a rosy day after all.

Even if it is Friday the thirteenth.

ROSY: DDW Sept 13 challenge by Anniemay

(Blipfoto iPhone app, Try-X mono filter.)

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