This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

The sun rises in the pines. A cool start to the day in Atlanta, although I know it will get hot. I haven't slept much in days and am enjoying my first cup of tea in days too.

I haven't yet unpacked and I stayed up way too late last night talking with my brother but it was good. Not soon after this photo was taken of the sun rising over the neighbors house and trees, we decided to go get some breakfast. Ben took me to Gato Bizco Cafe where I had some soysage and potatoes and then we went for an hour long walk through the neighborhood and park near the restaurant. It was starting to get too hot for me by the end of the walk. I have never liked the southern heat.

Anyway, after that we came back home and relaxed for awhile cleaning out the fridge and doing some light organizing of the pantry. We also made a grocery list and planned our meals for the upcoming week and then headed to the Farmer's Market which is a huge building filled with food from all over the world. Imagine all of John Lewis (it is actually bigger than that I think) filled with fresh meat, cheese, seafood, fruit, veggies as well as a bakery and a cafeteria and beer and wine and boxed items from all over the world and affordably priced. That is the "Farmer's Market." I would have taken a photo of it but there are no camera's allowed inside.

After that we went by two more stores and then home for salad and leftovers.

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