Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Grand day out.

When my Mum has anything to do with things they always get very complicated, laughably so. Today was not an exception.

75 years young and as daft as a brush, she made plans for a groups of us to go on a steam train journey. Nothing is simple when my mum gets her hands on it, today she was on top form, wrong meeting place, wrong times, wrong stations, goodness knows how on earth we all actually made it onto the train at the same time!

Well, I didn't really get to speak to family very much as I spent most of the time with my head out the window, like a dog in the car, I was grinning like an idiot. To have my Big Bro on the other side doing the same was fab. We disembarked half way and had a wander around in the lovely Yorkshire cobblestoned village.

Dinner tonight, beers and a giggle I think!

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