A helping hand

This afternoon we went to the park and met Granny for an hour. Johnny's pal, Fin was there so he went to play footie with him and the girls played at the swings etc. It was very cold so my Uggs will be out shortly.

The girls love the zip slide.....Granny actually had a cheeky shot and yes I did catch her in a photo but I liked this shot better with Granny helping Katie at the start.

Megan went off last night to Lendrick Muir for the weekend with the youth group. I am sure she is having a ball and not missing us at all......Katie and I are both missing her!

Jessica's face is much better today but you can still see a very clear "purple" line between the eyes!

Done a whole load of housework today but got more to do tomorrow before working for a couple of hours on invoices etc.

Goodnight all!


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