
By scribbler

Evanescent mystery

Fallen leaf, plus reflection in a puddle. (SOOC, cropped.)

POOL: DDW September 15 challenge

During church, a thunderstorm.
Good, I thought, there will be pools of water.
But by the time I exited, the rain had evaporated.

Then I spotted this tiniest of puddles. You can judge its size by the leaf. Almost not worth bothering with, except that when viewed from the right angle there were reflections of overhanging trees.

I crouched over the puddle angling my phone to try for a reflection as the traffic on NW Everett whizzed past. Took one shot and stepped to the curb for a look.

That bright liquidy gold shape looking three-dimensional is a reflection on the surface of the water! But of what? I looked up at the tree - no gold there. No gold on the street, and none on me. I vaguely recalled a little yellow leaf, certainly not this bright, to the right of the puddle, but it wasn't there when I looked.

A mystery, then. Though the sky is clouded over with no rainbow in sight, I've decided to think of this as my pot of gold. At any rate, a cheerful omen on a stormy day.

Cheers to you, and may a little unexpected gold fall into your life too.

EDIT: Photo reloaded to correct to landscape orientation, which Blipfoto iPhone app mysteriously altered to portrait, also changing my selected thumbnail. Another mystery!

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