Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Maggots and Fogi.

I have a back room in the shop, out of sight of the general public , where I can hide, and sequester some of the least desirables that wander in.
Maggots and Fogi dont really fall in to the latter category, unless you want to allow Maggots' flatulence into the book of evidence.
F and M came in today with one of those once-off, but priceless, questions...
F: "Do you think the vet does morning after pills for dogs?"
M: "Fart!"
Me: "I really dont know, Fogi, that would be an Ecumenical Question. Why?"
F: "Because Maggots, the whore, got ridden last night in Kilcullen, and she absolutely cant have babbies"
M: "Fa-art!!!"
Me "Did she have a good time?"
F: "The little bitch loved it, but you should have seen the state of the lad stuck to her..."
M: "Yum"
Me: "I think we need a drink"
F: "No money, lad"
Me: "The bitch can pay"
F: "Grand so..."
M: "Bark this'
I am posting this from the pub, and the bitch hasnt bought a drink yet.

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