
I had a day off today, and had planned to do some more sorting outside at Mum's house, but when I arrived she was hobbling about, and it turns out she's had a bad knee for the last week, but hadn't told me. She had to have an operation on the other knee a few years ago, and is a bit worried it's the same thing again. She typically didn't want to go to the doctors yet, so we tracked down some iboprofin gel, and set to work making a start on sorting through all her paperwork and bills instead. For someone who claims otherwise, she is really quite disorganised.
I spent the evening at Laura's for the latest A-Z Film Club instalment. For V we watched Valkyre, ate Vegetable soup, Victoria Sponge and Vanilla Ice Cream. U isn't going to be quite as easy!
The night took a more annoying turn when we got home to a note from National Grid stuck to our door saying that they'd cut our gas supply due to an 'immediately dangerous' gas leak. I think I know how I'm going to be spending tomorrow morning now...

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