
A day of contrasts and emotions.

A morning walk with Astro as the sun rose in a clear blue sky and our prize was a stand of beautiful kangaroo paws.
By noon the skies had closed and the heavens opened.
Fitting perhaps as the book club girls gathered at a local church to farewell book club member Sharon.
Aged 52 she had fought the fight for a year after being given a couple of months to live this time last year.
Last week she died.
In that year she and hubby Peter tripped the light fantastic, indulged her grandchildren and S was always around for the first Wednesday book club.
We realised all was not well when at a recent book club night she sent me an sms to say that she was in hospital for emergency surgery and wouldn't see us again...but she loved the book!

S and I did not know each other well but had mutual experiences and over coffee and cake nattered about those experiences.
Chatting about all sorts her view on life was positive, all embracing and inspiring.
I will miss her.

Vale Sharon.

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