Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Brrrr! It has gone all cold! Guess that is summer over. On the plus side the flowers in the garden are still hanging on in there. Some of the roses have gone on for a second bloom which is a nice wee treat

Spent the morning getting beautified at the hairdressers. The beginning of ticking things off the to do list for our holiday to Spain next week.

Also spent an hour on the phone to Lloyd/ TSB. Turned out the muppets had switched off my lloyds card and failed to send out a new TSB one. Nice work guys. I am also a tad peeved that they have transferred all my accounts across to TSB bar one ISA which now sits alone, no longer easily accessible with lloyds. So another trip into a bank will be required to sort that out. Grrr!

Later in the afternoon I took Jake to the opticians to pick up his shiny new specs. He was amazed how much he could see. Same prescription just less smeared and mucky than his old ones! I give it a week!

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