It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Track Day

I've been quite remiss with my Blips lately. I have been pathologically busy, not in a bad way, but simply focused on my triathlon training and coaching a few others. What's more, I don't want my blip to turn into some boring training log, but something that says a wee bit more.

It was the start of an exciting weekend as Dirk Friel, the son of famous cycling coach Joe, was over from Boulder to run a small conference relating to his company TrainingPeaks. Many endorsement/sponsorship relationships are built wholly on money or spin. I prefer the former because it's more transparent. The latter I find problematic I.e. petroleum companies sponsoring the arts or purveyors of fat/sugar supporting sport or things children like.

The best relationships are where both sides value each other equally. I use TrainingPeaks everyday and think they're the dogs bolx. The evening started with a track session for everyone and another partner Retul was demonstrating their 3d bike fitting system. It was cool too but as my carbon fibre super dooper bike has a frame integrated seat post ( you cut it to length) I am too scared to get my position evaluated as I can't afford to change it.

I had a fun evening as I had my camera to record the event. Bit tired when I got home though as it had been a 14 hour day!

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