
By Rebekah

Blackberry season

Firstly, sorry for the truly Instagrammy feel to the photo. My heart hasn't really been in to taking photos this past week. Looking over the past week, I've noticed how there has been a lot of - unintentional- grey. The grey weather spilling over to my mood, maybe. Or maybe just a lack of interesting blip opportunities. I guess the lack of heart behind the photos shows as the majority of the past week's photos have been taken on my iPhone. So I thought, as I've only got a phone-photo to go with, lets glam it up in true Instagram style. Not that I use Instagram. Or ever intend to use Instagram. To be completely honest, I don't think I even understand Instagram. That said, I must admit that I quite like how this image turned out. But not for every photo I ever take- most certainly not.

After dropping Ryan to the station this morning (not a teary goodbye; an improvement), I realised that as the sun was out for the first time in a week I should make myself be out too. A lot of change is happening and I don't deal with change too well, so a walk was exactly what I needed to get some space to think and clear my head a little. Without change we wouldn't grow. But I guess I'm nostalgic and like to try to keep a hold of the past, exactly how it was, rather than venturing to new pastures. Change is good, though. It is good. It just takes some getting used to.

So I walked at Ivinghoe Beacon. September means blackberry season. I really appreciated the free snack (stolen from the bushes) along the way. It was ridiculously windy up on the hill - a few strands of red ginger hair snuck their way in to the photo, but I like it. Other than this, the day was spent catching up on some final back-blips from the Aussie adventure (dating 10th Aug-9th Sept, if you'd like to have a look) and from this past week at home. Finally up to date, I don't believe it!

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