
Toby, like many young people, is trying his best to get a foot on the ladder of the world of paid work.

He's been on several work placement schemes but had no offers of permanent employment. In fact very few of the people who have been on the schemes with him have either.

He's interested in a career in the hospitality industry - he loves bar work, waiting tables and understands the importance of teamwork and the many roles involved that make good bars and restaurants successful.

As the festive season is swiftly approaching he's about to start his personal campaign to get himself work in a bar or restaurant. I helped him to review and refresh his CV and suggested that it might be useful to have a photo done too - particularly if he is going to have to make any applications on-line.

Here's the result. The 'studio' was the corridor just outside my office at work.

If anyone knows of anything that might be of interest to Toby, please give me a shout.

He's based in Norwich but I get the impression that he would be willing to relocate.

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