the sun made her appearance and the butterflies and bees too.
How lovely to drink coffee outside, camera ready but only one picture did come out well. I discovered that one hollyhock flower just blossomed, the seedheads were all covered up by the firebugs, it is their meal.
In the afternoon I walked down the hill, walked around the town. I opened the gate of my favoured garden, who's owner had said I could any time visit the garden. Looking around and making photos a woman on the street cried to me: I everyday admire your garden. So I had to explain that this was not my garden but that I admired it like she did.
There is a border with dahlias and I took a picture that made in my opinion a nice collection, but the butterfly on the buddleia is my blipfoto for today.
Because I know I can go to that beautiful garden again and try the dahlias anew.
When I reached home again for a short time it rained very hard, I was glad not to have it on my head.

My haiku:

Hazelnuts fallen
From the tree I collected
Thousand acorns not

And the proverb:

De wijn in het hoofd maakt vaak de gek in den mond.

Translation: The wine in the head makes often de fool in the mouth

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