Fruits Of The Forest ...

Eric and I have been collecting fruit from an orchid near a local sports centres walkway for years now. Some years the fruit has hardly any on the trees and some some years the fruit hangs there like grapes, this year it is covered in fruit.

We told a friend of ours that we were going tocollect some blackberries and cherries today from the orchids.He said "that sounds great", we told him where they were so he could collect some himself.

While we were picking some blackberries he arrived with his wife, he was so happy after he had gathered some blackberries for his wife to make a pie, he also collected some of these fruits shown in the image above, now I am a little confused to say the least, Eric has always told me that they are cherries, but our friend says they are little plums, now I dont know at all what they are.

Hopefully some of you may know what they are.

All I know is they are very yummy.

I have put the blackberries in the fridge for tonight I will wash them off in the morning and make a pie. Eric may use the leftovers to make some blackberry wine, now that does sound nice.

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