Shared Reading

Molly comes to ours every 2nd Tuesday and Katie goes to Molly's house the other 2....they love it. Last year we didn't push them to do their homework when the other was here however this year we both agreed that they could do their homework together. They were more than happy to do it and then they shared the reading book. They are both on the same level. Molly read the first pages and then Katie read the next to and so on!

Johnny was out with Sean and Aiden playing football. They came round to ours about 5ish and the wee charmer (Aiden) loved winding the girls up! lol They are both lovely boys and Johnny thinks they are great.

I took the boys to football training this evening and Johnny's not long in.

I've been playing with a new app that Life in Fife told me it and now my Dad, Superhero has downloaded it too!!!

Wacky Wednesday tomorrow so who knows what I will get the chance to blip!


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