My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

The Calligrapher's Cloth

No exciting jaunts today.
It was rainy & cold. An ideal day to be writing and tinting work.
I found some old tubes of watercolour and squeezed some out onto a piece of card. A handy method I copied from Quentin Blake, who glues his pans of watercolour onto a white board.

My iPhone reminded me to post a blip. There wasn't much around, but I thought the piece of old 1930 linen sheet I use to wipe the nibs & brushes I use looked a bit Pollock so here we are.
I think it needs replacing actually. But it shows I do do some work. So maybe it can carry on for a few more weeks.

By the way, old old linen or cotton is better for cleaning nibs as you work along then paper towels. They leave fragments which can wreck your work.
One thread of paper fibre, and a word can be ruined.

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