The View from The 18th (and Birthday Presents)

Wow lots of barking for your response to yesterdays Coal Harbour.
The Bossess is really pleased as she was getting pretty cold by the time the Boss was satisfied so big thanks to all.

We were planning on Grouse Mountain but The weather was anything but grouse on the mountain but really good on the ground and we settled instead for The Boss doing a "Fly Over" (Latest Tourist trap) and The Bossess doing some more coffee shops and Gas Town. (Some wonderful shops there). I didn't comment on the tour ships yesterday but golly they are BIG. A little dog like ME could get totally lost without any trouble at all.
This night shot from our balcony features Robson St (Hi Peter) in the left hand corner and the last light of the day hitting the upper levels of that tower at the back. Earlier today while we were waiting at some traffic lights a couple of ladies behind were chatting and I was particularly impressed when one said to the other that she had received a Lexus for her Birthday. Now in New Zealand a Lexus is a very fine car but obviously here in Vancouver it must be something else so I thought that this was a fine example of language differences between countries. The Boss has already encountered some difficulties with language and has been called an Australian several times already and I am sure the lady behind actually got a dog for her Birthday that "Licks Us"

Right…Glad that is sorted.

Anyway Edmonton tomoro and another trip in the locker.

Try a "Fly Over?"


Oh Perhaps not.

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