
By 4Sam3388

Sadford Seafood Sickos

The Minister announced the Snapper 1 changes today. He tried to fudge a favourable result for recreational but you could plainly see that he is still influenced by commercial pressure.

He cut our ability to catch fish for the table on our own by reducing our allowance from 9 fish to 7 and increasing the legal take home size limit from 27cm to 30 cm.

He did not decrease the commercial quota and they can still catch snapper as low as 25cm.

He did give recreational additional tonnage allowance of 500 tons but this is totally irrelevant as we are not on a quota system anyway. This is a paper fish allowance and is back dated increase anyway.

Commercial fishing organisations such as Sanford have depleted our fish stocks, wasted millions and millions of fish over the years through trawl netting, dumping and total disregard for juvenile mortality.

Despite the fact that they have had no reduction in their quota since the 80's when the quota system was introduced to try and curtail the raping of the sea by commercial they still complain that recreational fishers are over catered for. Commercial industry has access to take 95% of the total fish that comes out of our waters whilst recreational gets an allowance for 5%.

We will lose our ability to catch a fish at all if commercial greed and very few people that control that greed get away with their disgusting sustainable practices.

How can a company like Sanford make a statement even close to a sustainable practicing company.

I have posted this blip today to remind me want a bunch of yellow, greedy, wasteful representatives of New Zealand they are.

Today is the beginning of campaigning to the New Zealand public to take a stand on commercial fishing practices. Our fish will be gone by Christmas.

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