
By Muse

Hot water bottle for Ted

The weather is getting colder; the nights darker and for the first time this Autumn I've even considered putting the heating on. The night before last I hardly slept. We've still got the lightweight duvet on the bed and I couldn't get warm. Despite putting my cold feet on Graham who always seems to be toasty, I remained chilled.

Last night I had a hot bath and filled a hot water bottle and slept like a log (so much so, we overslept this morning!) I always feel quite comforted hugging into the heat of a bottle; feeling the warmth circulate but it's still a poor substitute for the cuddle of my man!

Tonight when I came home from work, Eric was already in bed (it's alright for some!) He has his own hot-water bottle now too. So later on in bed there will be a cuddle fest: Eric snuggling into his bottle, me hugging Eric and my bottle and all of us being embraced by Graham! Can't wait!

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