
Magical moments are very rare but I can vouch for it that they do exist as I had one after my walk with Stallone this afternoon. Instead of walking straight to my bicycle like I usually do, I decided to sit down on a bench for a few moments to put away the compact camera that I had in my pocket and to have a look at the few photos I'd taken with another camera of the Great Crested Grebes on my way to the sanctuary, hoping that at least one of them would be good enough to blip. Unfortunately those shots were not very good.

I still had that other camera in my hand when I spotted something sitting on one of the many leaves from the Magnolia tree that had fallen on the ground. This particular leaf was so far away though that I had to use the camera's full digital zoom to see that it was actually a dragonfly. Somehow it felt like it had been sent by magic to provide with me with a blip because it didn't fly away until after I'd been able to take a couple of shots of it. This one was the best of them.

Afterwards, I did have a lot of 'what if ...' questions going through my mind though.
What if I hadn't left the sanctuary at that particular time?
What if I hadn't decided to sit down on that bench, but walked directly towards my bicycle like I usually do?
What if I hadn't looked towards that leaf at the right moment?
What if there hadn't been a sunny spell just at the right time?
What if I hadn't had the right camera in my hand to take a photo of the dragonfly?
I can only come to the conclusion that magic made it all happen, especially as I seem to have blipped one on the same day last year.

I'm still coughing but less frequently again than yesterday and I finally managed to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. I'm very much looking forward to the day that this cough will have disappeared altogether though as it still makes me feel tired quite quickly at the moment.

Thank you very much for the lovely comments and stars on my Begonia blip from yesterday.

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