Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Coeur de Lion

A quick dash into Bath this morning before the mizzle arrived. This is Northumberland Passage, another of my favourite shopping streets in Bath, and home to the Coeur de Lion, Bath’s smallest pub. The pub has an interesting history (see here) but I’ve never actually been inside.

Why is it that we spend our time travelling half way round the world, but never really fully discover what’s on our own doorstep?

I’ve been to the North Cape, the northern most point of mainland Europe and gazed out over the Arctic Ocean, I’ve been husky dog sledging in -30°C in Canada, watched the sun set over the Pacific in Hawaii, bathed in the thermal waters of New Zealand, stood on top of Ayers Rock (now frowned upon!), walked through the rainforests and paddy fields of South East Asia, sailed down the Nile, BUT I’ve never been in the smallest pub in Bath! Yet!!

(Please don't think I'm bragging, I'm just trying to make a point!)

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