
By Suzeee


Need to try and hold it all together but felt like I am losing the plot today..
Didn't manage a lot of sleep last night too much on my mind, I do hope tonight is different.
I was doing Rachel a favour this morning by running her to town and we were so busy chatting that I completely forgot I was meant to go via the petrol station....thought I would make it but no ....half way up the hill splutter and conk out... Don't remember the last time I ran out and had to be rescued. Luckily Rachel's mobile had a signal so Steve was my knight in shining armour again. Well again and again really anyhow that is another story.
Stayed for a cup of tea while we chewed over whether Rach should take the basset hound pup she was looking after to the vet. She rang earlier to say she did and a good job because the poor little(enormous) thing had a chest infection.
Tried to capture this on the way home but it was lost in translation. It was a rainbow haze. Not seen anything quite like it before but you cant really see it in my shot. It was just Vic giving me a sign. The day of her funeral her daughter and I saw a massive rainbow so now everytime I fancy she is just giving me a nudge....colourful lady that she was.
I know spelling and punctuation I need to work on..

Not sure why this came to mind but what an image to go to sleep to!!

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