Exchanging gifts

Robert is here donating some seeds and a brochure about what Wells for Zoe, do.

Robert wrote:
Hi John.
Today we had two vistors groups. The widows and disabled persons groups
We had the widows from Chitatata CBO (Community Based Organisation) and disabled peoples group from Kanyika CBO. Both group come from areas around Mzuzu.
They came to Lusangazi Farm to train and learn more about food
security, income generation from organic farming because chemical
fertilizer is too expensive by now. Also they were so interested to
learn Budding and Grafting so that they can be self-employed in their
homes, instead of depending on handouts.

They contacted us through the NGO Luke International Malawi whose aim is
to work with widows in small scale businesses.

Remarks: We managed to do some training with them. Communication was difficult with the disabled people.


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