Always one ...

There was a time when the comedy series 'Dads Army' seemed to be permanently on. It was impossible to escape from it. At one time we thought there was a channel devoted to it. It became a running joke around here.

Some of it was funny though not enough I thought to warrant permanent showing. One of the funniest bits was when Capt Mainwaring called the troop to attention. A collective clump was heard and feet came together, backs became straighter (though never straight) and shoulders were slightly raised. The troop were a band of England's finest, at one against the enemy, ready for whatever the enemy could throw at them.

Then a solitary stamp as Corp Jones came in slightly behind everyone else. Constantly. And it always made me laugh.

This poppy reminded me of that scene. Behind all the others. There is always one. And it brings great joy.

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