
By tadpoleview


Today was an early start to get the car to the garage for it's annual service. Then a fair bit of hanging around waiting for it to be completed. What do you do in a town before the shops are really open and when you have skipped breakfast? Answer - go to a coffee shop of course and eat a Belgian Triple-choc Chocolate Muffin! But you don't take a picture of it do you!

So this afternoon I joined my son at the bird-hide again and enjoyed watching kingfishers etc. Unfortunately all the shots of the kingfisher are either too dark or too blurred (some are even both!). I'll wait and publish a better one when I get one.

But I did manage to get one reasonable shot of one of the two wrens who were around, and since I have never managed a decent one of a wren before that is what I decided to blip.

Today involved a lot of waiting, which was quite appropriate as at the church prayer meeting last night we were encourage to 'wait for God' and allow him to act rather than rush ahead at our own pace and in our own direction.

Waiting - its not always easy, but its worth it.

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