Firing up in Fishguard

A new venture is sparking off in town. A Welsh baker and his French wife have acquired a redundant church hall and are setting it up as an artisan bakery, cafe/bar and events venue.

A huge oven has been constructed in situ, with its pointed apse  resembling a shrine to the staff of life that will emerge from its fiery heart. Note the Ogham script  around the edge, the names of all the people involved in building the oven recorded in the ancient Celtic letters.

Today was the first firing of the oven to see what temperature it reached;  the bowls of dough were waiting to be formed into experimental loaves. Son Huw,  an experienced amateur baker, has already been recruited into the crew and joined in  the deliberations. He returned home later with a perfectly baked loaf.

The baker has also acquired a 50-year old mechanical dough mixer of massive proportions. Here he is showing it to a young visitor.

I'm very excited about this new enterprise. If it succeeds it could be the leaven that makes our depressed town rise from its torpor.

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